Scottsdale High-Conflict Divorce Lawyers Protect Clients’ Rights

In a high-conflict divorce, it can be difficult for spouses to come to agreement on key terms such as alimony and child custody, which is why these cases often end up in an Arizona courtroom. At Clark & Schloss Family Law, P.C., our attorneys have extensive experience resolving divorce cases where spouses cannot see eye to eye. If the process of ending your marriage is likely to be very contentious, you can trust a Scottsdale high-conflict divorce lawyer from our firm to help you effectively navigate the challenges ahead. 

Factors that can cause a high-conflict divorce

There are various factors that can cause people to act out in combative ways when their marriages are ending. Some behaviors that could lead to a high-conflict divorce include:

  • Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Mental health issues
  • Sexual abuse and domestic violence
  • Damaging lifestyle choices
  • New toxic relationships
  • Narcissism

All of these habits and behaviors could make compromising on key terms next to impossible. A spouse could resort to harassment, stalking or emotional abuse, which could further complicate the already emotionally fraught process of ending the marriage. When you are undergoing a difficult divorce, our firm will provide you with educated guidance and staunch support while advocating for your interests.

Protecting financial interests in a high-conflict divorce

It is not uncommon in a high-conflict divorce for one spouse to try to take financial advantage of their partner. They may try to hide assets in order to keep them from being divided. If you suspect your spouse is doing this, we will investigate and take the legal steps necessary to force disclosure. We have extensive experience advocating for the equitable division of property in an Arizona divorce, including performing accurate business valuations and protecting inheritances and other premarital property. We also push for fair outcomes in spousal and child support decisions.  

Protecting children in a high-conflict divorce

High-conflict divorces can be emotionally tumultuous for children. To reduce the impact on them, there are some strategies you can use:

  • Avoid speaking poorly about your spouse in front of your child
  • Do not put your child in the middle of arguments with your spouse
  • Do not communicate with your spouse through your child
  • Foster the child’s relationship with your spouse within the confines of custody/parenting time orders

If your spouse is engaged in parental alienation to try and turn your child against you, we will investigate and fight to have it stopped by going to court if necessary.

Gathering evidence and documentation

To prepare for your divorce, make copies of bank statements, investment account statements, tax returns, credit card and loan statements and all financial documents and keep them in a safe place. Additionally, keep copies of any text messages sent by your spouse, as well as emails, voice mails, social media posts and other items that could potentially help your case. Depending on the content of these communications, we may be able to use them as evidence of irrational or threatening behavior by your spouse.

Navigating legal challenges

There are many challenges to navigate in high-impact divorces. Difficult spouses do numerous things to try and upset the divorce process, including selling off assets, trying to alienate children from the other parent, using manipulative tactics and even secretly recording conversations with their spouse. To protect yourself legally and emotionally from what may lie ahead, it can help to do the following:

  • Develop a strong support network of friends, family and mental health and legal professionals
  • Avoid communicating with your ex, if at all possible. If you must communicate, keep it short, unemotional and focused on the topic at hand

Our attorneys have handled numerous high-conflict divorce cases and can be relied on for sound advice about how to make the process go more smoothly.

Contact our experienced Scottsdale attorneys for guidance in your divorce

At Clark & Schloss Family Law, P.C., our Scottsdale attorneys advocate for the interests of spouses going through high-conflict divorces in Arizona. Call 602-789-3497 or contact us online to schedule a consultation.