Viewing 1 - 5 out of 5 posts

When Courts May Impute Income to Parents Owing Child Support

In Arizona as elsewhere, child support is a critical aspect of ensuring the welfare and well-being of children following the separation or divorce of their parents. The courts have a Read More

Successfully Seeking Post-Divorce Modifications in Arizona

Long after a divorce, circumstances may change or evolve in ways that cause child custody and child support arrangements to become inadequate. If your situation has changed significantly, you might Read More

What to Know About Enforceable Prenuptial Agreements in Arizona

A prenuptial agreement is an effective way for a couple entering marriage to plan for various contingencies. Besides controlling division of property upon divorce, a prenup can define the rights Read More

How Is Alimony Calculated Under Arizona’s New Guidelines?

In 2003, Arizona adopted statewide guidelines aimed at achieving greater uniformity in the amount and duration of alimony awards for divorcing couples in similar circumstances. However, it did more than Read More

Why Choose Legal Separation Instead of Divorce?

Divorce is not the only option for married couples with irreconcilable differences. Another choice is legal separation, which allows for spouses to live apart under a court decree that governs Read More

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