Viewing 1 - 16 out of 72 posts


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Which Should Come First: Divorce or Bankruptcy?

Marital and financial problems often go hand in hand, and sometimes can reach the point where both divorce and bankruptcy are being considered. Deciding to file for divorce and bankruptcy Read More

When Can a Divorce Court Deviate from Equal Division of Marital Property?

In Arizona, the rule of equal division of marital assets during a divorce is guided by the state's community property law, which dictates that all assets and debts acquired by Read More

How Mediation Can Be Effective in a High-Conflict Divorce

A high-conflict divorce is one with persistent hostility and antagonistic behavior between spouses, often marked by intense disputes over child custody, property division and other key issues. This level of Read More

Why a Property Settlement Agreement Makes Sense in an Arizona Divorce

During a divorce, marital property and debts must be divided. Arizona is a community property state, meaning all assets and debts acquired during the marriage are considered jointly owned by Read More

Two Ways a Legal Separation Can End: Reconciliation or Dissolution

In Arizona, a legal separation can last indefinitely. But at some point, it may no longer reflect the spouses’ personal or financial interests. Depending on the situation, they have two Read More

How Arizona Community Property Law Treats Inheritances

Arizona is among the U.S. states with community property laws. This means that, in general, all property acquired by either spouse during a marriage is considered jointly owned by both Read More

Successfully Seeking Post-Divorce Modifications in Arizona

Long after a divorce, circumstances may change or evolve in ways that cause child custody and child support arrangements to become inadequate. If your situation has changed significantly, you might Read More

The Impact of Wasteful Dissipation in Arizona Divorces

Arizona's divorce laws prioritize a fair and consistent approach to spousal maintenance (alimony) and property division. While recent updates have removed marital fault as a factor in awarding spousal maintenance, Read More

Dividing Your 401(k) in an Arizona Divorce

A 401(k) is a retirement savings account offered by many employers in the United States. It allows employees to contribute a portion of their salary before taxes, sometimes with the Read More

Finding Solutions for Conflicts Over Child Custody

Divorce is usually hard on the children, and even more so when their parents are fighting over who the children will live with. Courts in Arizona generally favor a shared Read More

The Effect of a Preliminary Injunction in a Divorce

One of the most contentious issues in a divorce is property division. This process might seem to be automatic, since Arizona’s community property law deems all property acquired during a Read More

Imputing Income to an Underemployed Spouse in Child Support Cases

When a couple with children gets divorced, their personal finances determine how much child support should be paid. The judge analyzes each parent’s income and assets, applies the Arizona child Read More

What to Know About Enforceable Prenuptial Agreements in Arizona

A prenuptial agreement is an effective way for a couple entering marriage to plan for various contingencies. Besides controlling division of property upon divorce, a prenup can define the rights Read More

Should You Move Out of the House Before Your Divorce Is Final?

When married couples are headed for divorce, it is natural for them to separate. This is especially so if they become estranged or hostile to one another. However, a spouse Read More

How to Keep a Divorce Uncontested

The simplest path to dissolving a marriage in Arizona is by uncontested divorce. This method is available if you and your spouse agree not only that the marriage should end Read More

Valuation Issues Faced in Dividing Retirement Accounts Upon Divorce

Retirement accounts — such as a pension, IRA or 401k — can present particularly difficult questions when dividing up property in a divorce. Although an account may be funded by Read More

Viewing 1 - 16 out of 72 posts


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